IronMan, Volume 28 Number 3

Table of Contents

Editorial - A Time For Reflection on Men of CharacterPeary Rader11
Arthur Fairhurst Yorkshire AdonisAchilles Kallos12
You Need Stretching ExercisesAchilles Kallos13
Specialization - How To Use If For Advancd ResultsSterri Larsen14
Another Specialization Technique14
Layoffs - Will They Help You Progress?Bradley J Steiner16
Sleep - Money In Your Health Bank17
What is the Ideal Physique?Wayne Gallasch18
The Role Of Weights In FitnessBruce Page20
Views On Physical PerfectionReg Park21
Power Rack For Legs and FeetLeslie W Carson22
Hard To FInd Time To Train?Ted Sheola24
Gain Muscle With Protein DrinkBruce Page25
So You Think You're A RunnerFred Grace25
Develop A Massive Lower ArmAnthony Ditillo26
Run Today - Pay TomorrowFred Grace27
Muscle Contractions and Your TrainingPeter Bigg28
How Much ProteinM L Kirchner29
Are You Doing Too Much?Paul Jones30
Supplements?Reg Park30
Question Department31
The Values of LecithinBruce Page32
Readers Roundup33
The Koreans Come To TownBob Hise37
Lifting News37
Investigating The 3-Minute RulePhilip Guenov39
Improve Your Bench PressWayne Gallasch40
Grunt and Groan42

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