IronMan, Vol 23, No 1, Page 8, October 1963

Len Sell, Double Universe Winner

By Oscar Heidenstam

LEN SELL of London, in September 1962, joined the elite who have managed to annex both Amateur and Professional Universe titles organized for the past fourteen years by the National Amateur Bodybuilders' Association. And what an elite, the other two being the mighty Reg Park of England and the fabulous Bill Pearl, U.S.A. Len's achievement is all the more remarkable as he is 5'6" in height, though he looks taller, and as you all know, it takes a fantastically good short man to beat the tall ones. That is just what Len is -- well nigh flawless. Leo Stern of California, when he saw him in 1961, said he was the best short man he had ever seen, and Len in 1961 admitted he was not in his best shape for the Universe.

Although Len is barely 26, the road has not been an easy one and it has taken him eight years of "dedication" to achieve his many successes including the Mr. Britain title as long ago as 1958.

He has been carefully "groomed" and not rushed from his early start by Reub Martin, and although Len now trains himself, he will give full credit to Reub for many years of careful guidance and planning.

One top line American, whom Len beat at the Universe in September, when registering disappointment at his own failure said that he had trained so hard. One would think by the remark that Len had not! For although Len has won the Professional Universe, he is not a professional in the real sense of the word as some imagine. He is a lithographic engraver by trade, and works exceedingly hard with long hours. He also does a lot of overtime to help support his family and better his standard of living. He declared himself a professional by virtue of appearing at PC shows for what could easily be termed "expenses" by less honest people. He does not run a gym or sell courses or lend himself to advertising other peoples' products as so many PC stars do. He hopes, of course, soon to run an evening gym with his wife and sell some of his own training ideas, but as yet, that has not come into being.

Len started training at 18, but like so many youngsters had his early training interrupted to do National Service in the Army for two years, and he was stationed in Germany. He was a keen competitive cyclist and owes his calves to early days of cycling. He has always been a keen outdoor man and any fine week-end is spent at the nearest swimming pool where he loves diving, swimming and balancing.

He won the Amateur Universe in 1959, after having a tough tussle with Earl Clark of the U.S.A. the year before. They were equal in their height class, but when it came to voting the Universe title, one of the panel judges gave his vote to the winner of another height class. This split Len and Earl, and Earl won by the odd vote.

In 1961 he won his height class in the Professional contest, but admitted he was not at his best. He contracted flu three weeks before, followed by a skin infection. Thus he was unable to sweat out the last 7 lbs. he planned to shed, as sweating aggravated the skin infection.

He frankly admits that it is as well he did not make his all out effort in 1961, as he had little chance of beating the fabulous Bill Pearl who won the Professional title.

Len has one of those rather rare physiques that may not be as "spectacular" as some, but one which it is hard to fault. He is beautifully put together and everything is in equal measure. He is big as you will see by his measurements, but because He is so proportionate, you do not realize it till you stand him alongside men of his own height. He is also one of those lucky people with flawless skin and he tans very easily a smooth golden tan. All these features enhance his presence.

He is modest in the extreme and success has never changed him. He planned his training for the 1962 contest a year ahead, though there was nothing unusual about it except that it is not just sufficient to say you work out three times a week. As Len says, "some call a workout what I would call a warm-up." For the major part of the year he trains three times a week for around three hours, always concentrating on what he considers his weak points. He never lost sight of this, and this is where he has scored over many of his rivals who present themselves year after year with the same faults, and their already good points being better.

During off season times and when not appearing at any shows, Len bulks up purposely only through diet; his actual workouts do not change a great deal except to cut down on repetitions and use more weight.

He always pays a great deal of attention to diet and in the bulking up periods eats bread, potatoes, normal liquids, plenty of meat, milk puddings, etc., and of course, lots of vegetables, fruit, cheese, eggs, etc. At one time he went through the milk drinking craze and went up to ten pints a day, but he never has more than two pints now.

He does not worry unduly about food supplements, prefers to rely on sensible diet. But he does take extra orange juice and yeast and molasses.

He aims during the bulking up periods to reach around 205 pounds and then reduce to around 180 for the Universe contest.

He did not work on a split routine until the last six weeks before a major contest as time did not permit. But the last six weeks he trained six times a week, and included work on what he considered his weak points at every workout.

He usually worked most exercises for 6 sets of 4 to 6 repetitions.

Here was a typical routine for preparation for the 1962 Universe, bearing in mind this was suitable to him and his desire always to concentrate on his weak points:

Front Squats -- 6 x 5 increasing poundages from 280 to 300 lbs.

Thigh Extensions with iron boots, not very heavy but concentrated full movements 4 x 8 each thigh. Biceps of the thighs, he prefers having a partner hold a towel round his ankles and offering resistance, to any other exercise.

Arms came next, as Len always struggled with them:

Standing Triceps Stretch with barbell (Len's favorite and one he has used up to 230 lbs. on) 6 x 6-180-200 lbs.

Lying Triceps Stretch with dumbbells 6 x 6-85 to 100 lbs. dumbbells.

Triceps Pulley Push Down 4 x 12 light. Two hands Triceps Kick Back with dumbbells 4 x 12 light. Incline Dumbbell Curls 6 x 6-140-160 lbs.

Bent Over Curls with barbell light 4 x 8. Strict Curl with barbell narrow grip 6 x 6-140-160 lbs.

Shoulders - Two hands Press with dumbbells 2 x 8; 2 x 6; 2 x 4 working up from 85-105 lbs. dumbbells. Press Behind Neck 5 x 6-180-200 lbs. Bent Forward Lateral Raise with dumbbells 4 x 8-45 lbs. dumbbells. Single Arm Rowing (commencing with arm in a much more forward position than usual and a sharp pull back) 5 x 8-100 lbs. dumbbell.

Chest - Incline Flying 5x8-95 lb. dumbbells. Len did not do Bench Press very often during this concentration period ass his pectorals were always particularly good. Len is capable of a 380 lb. Bench Press, however.

Calves - Len always had wonderful calves and here again he did normal calf raises only.

Abdominals - These were done every day for the last six weeks, very high repetitions. Sit-ups. Incline Sit-ups. Leg Raise when hanging on a bar. Trunk twisting with bar across shoulders, repetitions: hundreds. Len had to get up at 6:30 a.m. to get his abdominals done so that they did not take too long in his evening workouts after work. Total repetitions often 1,000 a day.

During the final training period, of course potatoes, bread, fats, etc., were all cut down and liquids to a minimum. More salad, fruit and orange juice. Two cups of tea or coffee only a day.

Len's measurements for the 1962 Universe were: height 5'6"; weight 180 lbs.; neck 17¾; chest (ex) 50".

Len is lucky in one respect: his wife Brenda has twice won our Miss Britain title and shares his interests. She is a weight trained girl and PC is as much a part of her life as it is Len's.

They have just had their first daughter, Belinda, and Brenda trained right up to the last month. After six weeks her figure is back to normal with a 23" waist.

They are a most popular PC couple, and have friends and admirers all over the world.


-This front pose of Len Sell, who has won two Mr. Universe titles against the stiffest competition, like all his photos, does not begin to do his physique justice.

-Len Sell as he won his most recent Professional Mr. Universe title, poses with Maurine Gay, the Jr. Miss Britain, and Joe Abbenda, the Amateur Mr. Universe.

- As this photo shows, Len Sell has a very shapely back with great depth of muscle and good definition. Len's fine character and magnetic personality make him popular with everyone.

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