Contests in 2019 - Men

Alabama Championships - NPC
All South Championships - NPC
Amateur Grand Prix (Los Angeles) - NPC
Arnold Amateur - IFBB
Arnold Amateur Australia - IFBB
Arnold Amateur South America - IFBB
Arnold Classic - IFBB
Arnold Classic Australia - IFBB
Arnold Classic South America - IFBB
Asia Grand Prix - IFBB
Atlantic Coast Pro - IFBB

Baltimore Pro - IFBB
Bigman Weekend Pro - IFBB

California Championships - NPC
California Governor's Cup - NPC
California Pro - IFBB
Champions of Power and Grace - IFBB
Chicago Pro Championships - IFBB
Collegiate Nationals - NPC
Colorado State - NPC
Contra Costa (CA) Championships - NPC

Eastern USA Championships - NPC
Emerald Cup - NPC
Europa Dallas - IFBB

Fit World Championships (California) - NPC
Fit World Pro - IFBB
Florida Championships - NPC

Gold Coast Muscle Classic (California) - NPC
Golden State Championships - NPC
Grand Prix Hungary - IFBB

Indy Pro - IFBB
Ireland Pro - IFBB

Junior Nationals - NPC
Junior USA - NPC

Kai Greene Classic Pro - IFBB

Legends Classic (Las Vegas) - NPC
Lenda Murray Pro - IFBB

Masters Nationals - NPC
Michigan Championships - NPC
Monsterzym Pro - IFBB

New England Championships - NPC
New Jersey Championships - NPC
New York Metro Championships - NPC
New York Pro Championships - IFBB
New Zealand Pro - IFBB
North Carolina State - NPC

Olympia - IFBB
Omaha Pro - IFBB

Palmetto Cup - NPC
Pittsburgh Pro - IFBB
Portugal Pro - IFBB
Puerto Rico Pro Championships - IFBB

Sacramento Championships - NPC
San Antonio Pro - IFBB
San Diego Championships - NPC
San Francisco Championships - NPC
San Jose Championships - NPC
San Marino Pro - IFBB
Southern States - NPC
Southern USA - NPC

Tampa Hurricane Pro - IFBB
Tampa Pro Championships - IFBB
Team Universe Championships - NPC
Teen Nationals - NPC
Texas Pro Championships - IFBB
Texas State Championships - NPC
Toronto Pro - IFBB

USA Championships - NPC
Mr Universe - NABBA
Universe - Pro - NABBA
Upper Midwest Pro - IFBB

Vancouver Pro Championships - IFBB

Natural Western USA - NPC
Wheelchair Nationals - NPC
World Championships - NABBA
World Championships - NAC

Yamamoto Cup Pro - IFBB

Overall Winners

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